Surprise! Free-Speech Supporter Elon Musk Wearing ‘New World Order’ Jacket at MET Gala

Like a real billionaire Elon Musk loves to play. But who Elon Musk really is, when he is not wearing his mask? So many people admire him for his “intelligence”, for supporting family, free speech, qualities that contradict to the globalists and the Global Reset/NWO agenda.

Once, Musk was spotted at the MET’s Gala wearing his white “New World Order” in Latin – Novus Ordo Seclorum – jacket (

Musk at the MET’s Gala wearing his Novus Ordo Seclorum (New World Order) jacket

For sure not many figured out what his white on white sign meant because not many in the US know the Latin language. It was a trick. Also photographers barely could capture this white on white sign because it was almost invisible on photographs. It is obvious that Musk did not want to be widely publicized as the NWO/ Great Reset supporter and promoter-participant.

He is also the Klaus Schwab WEF’s Young Global Leader, class 2008. Currently, Elon Musk is working on a project of putting the chips in the peoples brains, just what the WEF’s Klaus Schwab wants, because it will help him to know immediately what his audience think. Read more about the Elon Musk project:

So what is the “Novus Ordo Seclorum” really means?  It is the “New order of the ages“, the second of two mottos added on the reverse (the back side) of the Great Seal of the United States (the first motto is Annuit cœptis):

Reverse of the Great Seal of the United States.

In her article “Bracing for the Reign of Saturn: The Real ‘New Order of the Ages’”,  Susan Claire Potts, Ph.D., Remnant’s Columnist mentioned “Novus Ordo Seclorum,” while discussing how to save our souls during these wicked times. She wrote that saving our souls is not easy and believing is not enough. We have work to do. Remember what St. Paul said when he called us his dearly beloved: “With fear and trembling work out your salvation.” And St. James, too: “But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?” But what does that mean? It doesn’t mean running around implementing all sorts of social justice programs or welcoming hordes of people whose religions and cultures are inimical to our own. It doesn’t mean “forming faith communities” or “uniting with the human family” or obeying any other commandment of those who would create a new golden age, a Saturnalian novus ordo seculorum. Susan Claire, Ph.D, wrote: “Because that’s what they want to do, these agents of change, these lackeys of Hell. These are the ones we must resist if we are to enjoy the Peace of Christ, here on Earth and forever in Heaven. But resistance requires knowledge. We have to know what they’re all about. Why do they do the things they do? What is their purpose? What is their goal? Quite simply, they plan to transform the world. They think they can do it. They seek a shining City ahead, a land of love, peace, and mercy. There’s nothing supernatural about it; it is the work of human hands. Using Christian love of neighbor and commitment to service, they have duped a lot of good people… .” Read more in Remnant newspaper:

In another article “NON SERVIAM: A History of Revolutions from Herod to Davos,” published in Remnant newspaper on December 16, 2022, Carlo Maria Viganò explored the current world’s situation and how and why we got here. He also shows the way out: “…The apparent triumph of the wicked – from the criminals of the World Economic Forum to the heretics of the “synodal path” – confronts us with the harsh reality of Evil, destined to final defeat, but also permitted by Providence as an instrument of punishment for wayward humanity. Because poverty, epidemics, misery induced by planned crises, ruthless wars moved by economic interests, the corruption of customs, the massacre of the innocents recognized as a “human right,” the dissolution of the family, the ruin of authority, the dissolution of civilization, the barbarization of culture and art, the annihilation of every impulse towards virtue and the Good – all of these are only necessary consequences of a betrayal carried out gradually but always in the same direction, and they are always only an introduction of the worst that is yet to come: the contempt of God, the wicked challenge of non serviam against the divine Majesty, which grows all the more ruthless and furious in proportion to the growth of the satanic presumption of being able to win a battle from which Satan will emerge eternally defeated. …” Read more in the Remnant newspaper:

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