New Cambridge University Press Books Reviews: Genocide, Justice After Mao, The Cambridge Handbook for the Anthropology of Ethics, and Lucretius and the End of Masculinity 

Justice After Mao: The Politics of Historical Truth in the People’s Republic of China by Daniel Leese and Amanda Shuman (editors) published by Cambridge University Press in 2023. Ten years after Mao’s death in 1976, the CCP made huge ideological, organizational, and financial attempts to “redress past injustices and atrocities.” This book presents a research from multi-national group of scholars. It focuses on historical justice in the CCP and how it attempted to overcome the legacies of rampant factionalism and political persecution in the wake of Cultural Revolution. It explores such subjects as establishing the new standards of truth, attempts at fostering reconciliation within local communities, property restitution, processes that constituted the reexamination, the importance of official memory and written historical narratives, the unofficial and individual attempts to fashion a meaningful “truth” of Mao-era injustices, moral responsibility for Mao-era injustices, the danger of repeating previous mistakes, and more.


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